Delivering excellence in drinking water through data, collaboration, and communication
Who We Serve
Water Utilities
Residents and Community Groups
Policy Organizations
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Elin Warn Betanzo
Elin Warn Betanzo is a national drinking water expert with nearly 25 years of experience. She contributed to the U.S. EPA's response to the Washington DC lead crisis, helped uncover the Flint water crisis, and supported the Benton Harbor community through technical analysis through their lead crisis. As the president and founder of Safe Water Engineering LLC, she collaborates with water utilities, community groups, and non-profits on water affordability, lead in drinking water, equitable lead service line replacement, and improving drinking water regulations and legislation at state and federal levels.
Select Clients and Partners
Metro Consulting Associates/Highland Park, MI
Natural Resources Defense Council
Great Lakes Environmental Law Center
Council of the District of Columbia
Joyce Foundation
Michigan Environmental Council
University of Michigan
Michigan State University
Detroit Water and Sewerage Department
Ohio Environmental Council
Birmingham Public Schools
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