What's in the new Michigan Lead and Copper Rule?

Michigan adopted a revised Lead and Copper Rule in June of 2018. It is a notable rule because it is the only Lead and Copper Rule in the country that puts all water utilities on a path to fully replace all lead service lines within the next 20 years. But there is a lot more going on in this rule that will improve the way public water supplies manage their water systems, improve the water quality and infrastructure data they collect, and provide more complete and timely information about the risks of lead in drinking water.

Because there is a lot going on in there, I worked with my project team at the University of Michigan to produce this infographic explaining what is new in the revised Michigan rule and why the changes were made. There is a single sheet 11x17 version and a more detailed 5 page 8.5x11 version that provides more explanation for each of 5 major changes. We will be rolling out more information through this project, so if you are looking for more information about the Michigan Lead and Copper Rule, browse our project website and keep coming back for more.


Get the Lead Out of Drinking Water in Schools


One Solution for Safer Drinking Water in Schools