A Lead Rule Grounded in Science is Necessary to Protect Public Health

The EPA Science Advisory Board held a meeting on May 11, 2020 reviewing EPA’s Lead and Copper Rule proposed revisions. You can see the comments that I provided here. I chose to focus my comments on areas where it is critical for a Lead and Copper Rule that protects public health to be based on science:

  • Compliance sampling requirements that measure the lead in water contribution from lead service lines

  • A ban on partial lead service line replacement (Based on conclusions from the EPA Science Advisory Board itself), and

  • Stronger requirements for corrosion control studies based on the most recent science.

The public discussion at the meeting was interesting. You can find press coverage at The Hill.

Michigan 1st and 5th liter paired data by range of sampling results.png

Returning to School? Keep the Water Moving


Flushing household plumbing after a water service restoration