Opportunities for Addressing Lead in Drinking Water

The Lead and Copper Rule has regulated lead in drinking water since 1991, yet there are still serious data gaps and shortcomings in the way we work to eliminate the risk of lead exposure in drinking water.

This report was prepared to provide funders in the Great Lakes region with an overview of critical issues surrounding lead in drinking water and specific strategies that could be used to address those issues and reduce lead exposure through drinking water. These topics are presented as a series of issue briefs that describe challenges, data gaps, and opportunities for reducing the risk of exposure to lead in drinking water and for increasing community involvement in decisions affecting drinking water. As shown in these issue briefs there are many ways in which highly varied organizations can make progress in reducing the risk of exposure, including:

  • Legal, scientific, and policy research
  • Technical Assistance
  • Advocacy
  • Public Education, and
  • Community Organizing.

Removing lead from drinking water will be a long-term effort that requires patience and persistence from many players, as well as political and public will to dedicate the resources and attention this issue deserves.

Download the full report here.


Lead Action Level Exceedance in Beverly Hills, Michigan


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