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A Look at the Real Cost of Removing Lead Service Lines

A Look at the Real Cost of Removing Lead Service Lines

To get this conversation off the ground, and with funding from the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), Safe Water Engineering prepared a white paper, Deconstructing the Cost of Lead Service Line Replacement, to describe and quantify the cost of bold, large scale lead service line replacement (LSLR) programs that include resident-focused outreach and risk mitigation activities.

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Independent Verification and Validation of the Lead Free DC Lead Service Line Removal Plan

Independent Verification and Validation of the Lead Free DC Lead Service Line Removal Plan

Safe Water Engineering, LLC completed a third-party assessment of DC Water’s Lead Free DC Lead Service Line Replacement Plan (LFDC Plan) to ensure that, as proposed, the plan will achieve both DC Water and the District’s lead water service line replacement goals, including the removal and replacement of all lead water service lines by 2030, prioritization of vulnerable populations in any prioritization model, and fiscal responsibility.

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