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Southeast Michigan 2023 Lead and Copper Rule Compliance Sampling Report

Southeast Michigan 2023 Lead and Copper Rule Compliance Sampling Report

Most Michigan water utilities that have lead service lines are required to collect Lead and Copper samples every year between June 1 and September 30. The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) starts posting data here when they find water utilities that exceed the lead action level (15 ppb) at the end of each sampling period.

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Why Michigan’s Filter First Bills Matter
Filter First, School Water Quality libby cole Filter First, School Water Quality libby cole

Why Michigan’s Filter First Bills Matter

The Michigan Senate and House are considering bills to protect kids from lead in drinking water.  The Filter First bills call for schools to provide filtered drinking water stations, and to test water from the filtered drinking stations annually to ensure the filters are working properly.  Filtered drinking water stations, often called hydration stations, are drinking water fountains with bottle fillers and filters that are certified for lead removal.

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